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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine


Translation services

There’s no need to worry about your Ukrainian or Russian language skills if you plan a trip to Ukraine!


Even though we have to admit, that not everyone will understand you in Ukraine if you speak English, but situation is changing – people are learning English, dozens of language schools are opened in every city.

If you compare the current situation with some 5 or 7 years ago you’ll be greatly surprised to see how great the improvement was.

You will always find someone in a bank, store, restaurant to help you – but still if you feel uncomfortable struggling with the phrase book, our professional and friendly translators from almost any European language (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian etc)  will be delighted to help you around.

If you are looking for a lady who speaks English – try to focus on the ones with level 4 and 5 for English skills in their profiles.

Level 3 can be sufficient too – about 45% of the ladies with level 3 would be able to speak English (not fluent in most cases), but will have limited writing skills.

You can always request our managers about the language level for this or that particular lady – we know them personally and will be able to tell you whether she would need translator for the date.

We do not list professional “daters” on our website, and our ladies are not used to meeting many foreign men – that’s why they might ask for a translator to be present at the first date just for the reasons of comfort and safety.

Our rates for translation:
20 usd per hour – English
20 euro per hour – French, Spanish, Italian, German

Most of the population will speak both Russian and Ukrainian.

Ladies that moved to Kiev from Eastern or Southern regions of Ukraine would most likely use Russian as their native language and might have problems understanding and even more speaking Ukrainian. Simply because many have not learnt it in schools.

Girls from the Western region of Ukraine will be reluctant to use Russian. But will understand it perfectly.

I would personally suggest that you learn a few Ukrainian or Russian words prior to your arrival.

Here are some that you might need.

English Russian Ukrainian
Hello Privet Privit
How are you Kak dela? Yak Spravy?
Fine! Otlichno! Vidminno!
How much is it? Skolko stoit? Skilki koshtue?

Want to learn more? E-mail me with the list of phrases, I’ll be happy to add them to the list!

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