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Today is: 03:39, 12 march 2025
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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine


Matchmaker services

I recommend our matchmaking service where you can personally get to meet the ladies in our agency.

This is the best option for anyone – as it gives you a chance to meet 5 ladies in just 3 days! This is a very popular package, and we ask to give us at least a week to make all the necessary arrangements for your trip.

All we ask you to do is:

  1. Please e-mail us a list of 10 ladies from our catalogue you would like to meet along with your profile and up to 5 pictures of you.
  2. It’s recommended that we talk on Skype (daisybride) or viber (+38 050 3336546) to get the better idea of what kind of lady you are looking for, and also to get to know you better. We want to make sure you get the best service and all your expectations for the trip are met, so we need to work in close cooperation.
  3. We will contact each lady of your choice, express your interest and show them your pictures and profile. Your introduction letter will be translated (if needed), and we will also forward you a translated reply should a lady decide to send you a letter.
  4. We will schedule the meetings with 5 ladies that have seen your profile and have expressed an interest in meeting you.
  5. Our matchmaking manager (Oksana) can arrange meetings at the time convenient to you.

From our experience we recommend to have 1 meeting on the first day, 2 meetings on the second and 2 meetings on the third.

The price of Matchmaker’s package is $450

NEW: the first hour of translation is FREE of charge!

Deposit payment of $100 is required.
The balance of the matchmaking cost must be paid in full by cash within 24 hours of your arrival.

You can order this service : "Matchmaking"

Service description: 5 meeting in 2-3 days (good option for the weekend)
Service cost: USD: 450
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