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Today is: 02:31, 05 october 2024
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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine


You can order this service : "Delivery Charge"

Service description: Our courier will deliver the present to any place (in Kiev, Poltava or Mariupol city) convenient for your lady.
Service cost: USD: 20 (delivery charge is included)
Order now: Please login or register to order services

You can order this service : "Small teddy bear"

Service description: Small teddy bear (up to 25cm tall) The delivery charge is included in the price.
Service cost: USD: 30 (delivery charge is included)
Order now: Please login or register to order services

You can order this service : "Medium teddy bear"

Service description: Medium teddy bear (30-70cm tall) The delivery charge is included in the price.
Service cost: USD: 45 (delivery charge is included)
Order now: Please login or register to order services

You can order this service : "Big teddy bear"

Service description: Big teddy bear (more than 70cm tall) The delivery charge is included in the price.
Service cost: USD: 100 (delivery charge is included)
Order now: Please login or register to order services
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