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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine

Our staff

About Us

Hello, my name is Yana Chobitok and I am the owner of Daisy Bride Marriage Agency. We are part of the Angelika Network of Introduction Agencies, a highly reputable and well known network with offices in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Latvia, UK, USA and Australia.

I have been involved with the Angelika Network for over 6 years and have handled hundreds of successful introductions. I started in a translator’s position in one of our local offices in Sevastopol, Ukraine and was there when the new office opened in 2000. I had just graduated from the local University with a degree in English Language. I have always found office work routine but enjoy the excitement and challenges of my working life at the Angelika Network.

From the very beginning I was fully involved in the process, personally meeting and talking to hundreds of women who are interested in becoming prospective new members. I explain to them that we are required to check their Passports (to make sure the lady is not married). We help them fill out applications, explain the way the agency works, answer any questions they might have, help them select the best pictures, scan the photos, upload the photos to the web site, print out the letters and pictures from men, and process the ladies’ replies. One of the rewards of this job for me is when I hear a voice on the other end of the phone very excited when I tell her that there is a reply for her from “Mr. X” and the Courier will be delivering it to her door later that day.

I learned the standard operating procedures that each of our 50+ local agencies has to follow although many things have changed for me personally over the years since the day I first learned about the Angelika Network. I got married and moved to Kiev — the capital of beautiful Ukraine. It was in Kiev that I started my own agency and named it Daisy Bride Marriage Agency (daisies are my favorite flower and a Universal symbol of cleanliness and nature). I have trained my staff to make sure our agency is working in a professional manner and providing high quality service to our clients. I have met many wonderful people in the course of this work and am proud to be part of a professional yet friendly team.

The confidence that I have in the people I work with is very important because I know we are bringing people’s lives together and that’s a big responsibility.

So, please meet…


Oksana – our general manager and matchmaker – who is never late, who keeps in mind 100`s of letters, dozens of happy stories, always smiling and ready to help – whatever you ask her about!

Olga – our French and English translator, punctual, polite, and just a nice lady.


Oksana – our lawyer. She can consult you in different matters and is very helpful and professional.

Sergey - our driver and good friend. He is the long distance driver- if you want to visit another city (Lviv, Poltava, Sumy etc), monastery (Pochaiv Lavra etc there are so many of them in Ukraine), national parks (Aleksandria, Sofievka etc), castles (in Lvivskiy region e.g. or another area), festivals; have a romantic trip with the lady you have met to a special beautiful place - Sergey is the driver you need (1,2,3 etc - days trips). Sergey speaks English (not perfectly but good enough for communication).
He also leads the fishing tours around Ukraine to the secret places-
not every Ukrainian knows about:)))


Sasha – our friendly driver, who will make your trip from airport and to airport, trips to different cities in Ukraine etc comfortable – he is a valuable part of our team.


Alena - our apartment manager who has a lot of variants of the apartments you will be happy to stay in while your visit to Kyiv.






Such is our team, and you are welcome to join us in this exiting adventure of finding your special lady.
Feel free to e-mail me, I do answer my e-mails within 24 hours :)

Sincerely yours,





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