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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine

Our services

Our office is open Monday-Friday (11am-8pm);
on Saturdays and Sundays we are available upon request.

Here is the list of services that we offer:

INDIVIDUAL INTRODUCTION – personal introductions to any lady from our web site arranged the same day;

MATCHMAKING PACKAGES – that allow you to meet personally any lady from our web site;

MATCHMAKING TOURS – that is a perfect option for first time travelers and those who want to save time, money and nerves preparing the trip to Ukraine;

APARTMENTS IN THE CENTRE OF KIEV – our agency does not own apartments in Kiev but after 8 years of experience we will help you to rent it directly from reliable owners and you will not be tricked by on-line apartment rental companies;
Pics and prices for apartments here:

CELL PHONE RENTALS – renting phone from us for just 5 USD per day you can avoid signing one year contract with phone companies and still enjoy low tariffs as if you are premium customer;

TRANSFERS (airport, railway stations etc) – our English speaking drivers (and not English-speaking drivers) will offer a competitive honest prices for airport pick-ups; our drivers will also handle keys from apartments that will save you from hastle in case of late arrivals and early departures;

ENGLISH SPEAKING DRIVERS – enjoy the freedom to move around the city with your personal English speaking driver;

CITY TOURS – discover beautiful and ancient Kiev with the help of our professional licensed tour guides, get the most of your stay in Kiev;

TRANSLATION SERVICES – our professional interpreters speak English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and many other languages;

Please contact us for prices, we will be absolutely happy to help you.

e-mail: or

tel: +38 050 333 65 46


You can read here (below) the way the service worked before, how complecated it was. Now everything is much easier: just write a letter to the lady (in your cabinet at our web), attach there or send to our e-mail ( up to 3 photos of you (we will deliver it with the letter to the lady pesonally).If the letter needs to be translated - it will be translated and it includes in the price of the letter.
So now it is just a $10 for the letter, photos and translation. 


Translations & E-mail Forwarding

Using our email forwarding service will save you months of time in communicating with all women on our website. This service is available for any address in Sumy, Ukraine. We will deliver and translate letters to any woman that you would like to write to even if she is from another marriage agency.

Here is how our service works:

1. You type the woman of your choice a letter and send it to us at: Place her name, address, and ID# at the top of the page. We will assign you a permanent ID# and you will place your name, address, and ID# on the top of each of your letters. This is how we keep track of who is who in our mail room. A Sample letter in its proper format is
located on our Mail Forwarding Instructions page. Please read and follow the
instructions on this page before sending any mail for us to forward.

2. When we receive your letter we print it and mail it or the lady may come to our office to pick it up

3. After the woman receives your letter she can send you a email letter as
a reply using the same procedure in reverse or she can write to your home address by regular postal mail. (Most women cannot afford to pay the email forwarding costs but if you want to pay them for her you may do so, just be sure to let us know if you want to do this).

4. With this procedure it is possible to send and receive a letter in aslittle as 3-5 days (if she replies quickly). Regular postal mail will take a minimum of 30-40 days round trip for the same letter, and it can be even longer.

5. The total cost of our Standard service to you is €4 for a letter up to two pages in length, and each additional page is €1.5, or you can use our Registered service for €1 more and your letter will be mailed by registered mail. This is one of the best ways of sending mail quickly that we know of. UPS and FedX have 2 day delivery but it will cost you from €30-€55 for this!! The U.S. postal service has International Express mail but the cost is €12 to most countries and it takes 3-5 days.

6. We also allow you to send photographs in jpg. format. To print them in Black and White costs €1,5 each, To print them in Color costs €3 each with each email letter that you send. We do ask that you keep the file size below 40kb & not send us photos in any other format other than jpg unless you are willing to pay an additional €5 for us to convert them for you. If you would like for us to scan them for you, we will do so for €5 each. Mail them to us with a self addressed stamped envelope if you want your photos returned.

7. If you decide that you would like to use this service now or in the future here is all you have to do. Send us some money to place in a account for you, the amount can be anything that you want, but we recommend a minimum of €25 to start with. Each time that we send a letter for you we will deduct the charges from your account. When the account is low or empty you can send us whatever additional funds that you would like to replenish the account with. If at any time you wish to close the account we will credit the remaining balance (if any) to you to be used for any of our other services. Most men find that this is well worth the cost especially when you consider the time savings and the poor mail service that most of the Ukrainian postal services have to offer.

8. If you would like a letter translated from Russian (Ukrainian) to English, or English to Russian (Ukrainian), we can do so for a cost of €8 per typed page with a one page minimum (650 words per page), additional words are 2 cents each. Most services are charging 5 cents per word which is more than €35 for an average one page letter!

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