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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine


Frequently Asked Questions

Rereading the letters from you, we decided to answer the FAQ here. So here they are:

How does it work?

There are 2 ways to meet a girl from our agency: correspondence or personal introduction.

If you want to correspond with the nice serious and family-oriented lady from Kiev, Ukraine, write her the letter (not too long as if the girl sees that you wrote her “a novel” she will consider you as a pen-pal guy who will never come to Kiev to meet her, if she did not read your letter till the end (because it is too long) it does not mean that she is not interested but it means that she appreciates her time and has a serious approach to the search of her second half); it is also necessary for you to send some of your photos with the letter (the lady would surely like to see how you look like and you will send her the photos with your next letter anyway spending more money). And in the end of the letter ask the girl for her personal information to have a chance to communicate with her directly – if she really liked your letter and photos – there is a good chance that she will send it to you.

If you are coming to Kiev, or know the dates of your arrival, or you are in Kiev at the moment and want to meet a girl from the web site of our marriage and dating agency– you have to send us (by e-mail) the information about you (writing there your age, country, city, occupation, education, height, weight, marital status, if you have children, hobbies, interests etc) and some of your photos; and of course the id numbers of the ladies you are interested in. We will contact the ladies, tell her about you, show your photos and with those who are interested we will arrange the introduction. You meet a girl in our office where we introduce you to each other and you will go somewhere to have a cup of coffee and communicate. The first meeting normally takes 1-1,5 hours – it is the first impression and after the meeting if you like the girl, ask for her phone number, e-mail address etc. And actually for meeting the girl second, third etc time you do not need us.



1/ the name of the lady – it is the true name of the lady, we check the lady's passport to be sure in it (some men ask why it is Alena at our web site and Olena in different one – well, it is one name but the first one Alena – it is in Russian, and Olena – in Ukrainian);

2/ id number of the lady – the computer writes it automatically like 2 letters and 4 numbers, as soon as the profile is in our system it has the number (like ex0001, ph0091 etc)

3/ the age of the lady – yes, it changes automatically by the computer program (ex. The lady has birthday 01.01.1980 – she is 35 years old now; 01.01.2016 – it will be 36 years old in her profile – and it changes automatically)

4/ lady's birthday – we check the passport to be sure that the date is correct, and also it is good to know the lady's birthday as you will always have a chance to congratulate her;

5/ zodiac sign – the program writes automatically based on lady's birthday; some men are interested in compatibility and also in search line you can find the lady's profile by zodiac sign – we have such option at our web site;

6/ smoking – about 95% of the ladies do not smoke, but we cannot guarantee if she does or not – we just put down the things the lady writes in her profile when she registers; we cannot check this information.

7/ height/ weight – we do not have scales or measuring growth in our office so we trust the lady is written this info in her profile; normally the ladies know perfectly their height and especially weight:)

8/ eye color and hair color – the eye color is constant but hair color can be changed from time to time, in this case (if the lady dyed her hair – we ask her to send the new photos and change the photos in her profile; and of course change the information about hair color)

9/ body type – is written based on height and weight (the lady writes it by herself in profile when she comes to register)

10/ languages – the lady assesses the language skills by herself but please pay attention:
- if you want to meet a lady who speaks English rather good without the interpreter – choose the level 4 or 5;

- if the lady's English (or other language) is not so good and she needs an interpreter for communication with you – it is level 3, 2, or 1;

- if there is no language level indication in lady's profile – it means that she speaks only Russian/Ukrainian.

11/ description – the lady writes by herself there about her character, hobbies, and other things which are important for her;

12/ marital status – we check this information as it is fixed in local Ukrainian passport (marriage and divorce), if the lady is widow – when she register she provides us the papers about it;

13/ number of children – we ask the lady to write the children she has even if the child is 20+, 30+ etc. We cannot check this information but from the other side we had never have a situation when the lady wrote wrong information about it;

14/ description of children – normally the lady writes the name of a child (or just son/daughter – if she does not want to write the name) and the age (the age of the child does not change automatically and it is written the age of a child when the lady was registered with us, so this info can be out of date though we are trying to keep it updated);

15/ education and career – we cannot check this info and write the things the lady writes in her profile when she registers;

16/ partner's age – the lady writes approximately the age of the man she wants to meet as 90% of the ladies do not care much about the age (if they write that they are looking up to 45 years old and you are 50 – you still have a chance to try and lady's interest will depend on many things and age is not the principle one (normally). If the lady does care about the age – she writes it in her profile in man's description like “the age is very important for me, so do not waste your time with me” etc.

17/ partner's description – the lady writes there the personality of the man she wants to meet, the things which are important for her in relations etc.



Why the girls come to your agency to register?


The marriage agencies are so popular in Ukraine simply because statistically there are more women than men here in Ukraine. This is the first reason why the girl coming to the agency to find her future partner. Also some girls had bad experience before with Ukrainian guys and they are looking for foreigners hoping that it will be different. Many of the girls came by recommendations of those ones who got happily married through us and they want the same:). Actually everything is very individual and everybody has her own story “why”.


Why Ukrainian girls want to get married the foreigner?

If the girl is registered in the marriage agency it does not mean that she wants to meet only a foreign guy and come abroad. She just tries to meet a GOOD guy she will fall in love and be happy with. If she meets Ukrainian – she will get married here and be removed from our web. If she meets foreigner – it is also good. We are always happy when 2 people find each other and are happily married. It is a myth that the girls come to the agency only for moving abroad.


What is better to rent – apartment or hotel?

If you come to Kiev the first time by yourself (not through the agency) – it is better to rent a hotel (even for one night to look around) in the city center as it allows you to save your time and money for taxi and sometimes the amount of money you “tried to save” staying in the hotels at the edge of Kiev will be the same as if you rent the hotel *** in the city center. It is better simply because you will feel safer here.
If it is not your first time we recommend you to rent an apartment in the city center because everything is around in a walking approach (shops, cafes, restaurants, night clubs etc). The apartments in the city center are safe, good quality, and reasonable price (some guys tells us that the minus of the apt – comparing it with the hotel – is that there is no breakfast but the price and location compensate it moreover you can have tasty breakfasts in different places every day; many restaurants have “breakfast menu” with a really good price).
We can offer good apartments 1-5 minutes walking from our office: we work directly with the owners for many years and can guarantee safety and good service.


How many letters do we have to exchange before I can meet the lady?

No letters needed at all – just buy the ticket and come to Kiev; for saving your time we recommend you to use our matchmaking service or just think about preparing the introductions in advance. Our dating agency will be happy to do the best and make a good schedule for you.


How can I know the agency is for real?

Look for the office address on the website and check the location on google maps. Reliable marriage agency in Kiev will surely have a central location, work more than 10 years and will know who to use the chance and marry the girl from Ukraine.  Come and see! Even if we have the official day off but you are coming and want to meet us – we will always meet you in our office in Kiev city center and answer all your questions personally.


Do I need to be a member to use your services?

No! It is not necessary at all. To meet a nice serious and family-oriented girl from our marriage agency you just need to have a desire to come here and meet the girl. Moreover there is a low-cost airline company operates in Ukraine and coming to Kiev from Europe is not so expansive at all (sometimes it is 50 euro both way). TO know any additional information, ask the questions, meet the girls from the agency in Kiev – there is no need to be a member – just write us an email, call us or skype and we will be happy to help!


Is Ukraine safe to travel?

Yes, it is! People in Ukraine are friendly, always try to help you, many of Ukrainians (especially in Kiev) speak English. The prices for good accommodation in the city center are for everyone’s choice depending on the budget – from 5***** hotel to the hostels. We always recommend the apartments to stay as it is a good balance between the hotel and hostel, reasonable ratio between price and location.


I want a gift delivery, but it is something special and not on your list. Can you help with special request?

Sure! Tell us your ideas and we will quote the price.


Can I have a skype video with the agency manager?

This is what we highly recommend! This will ensure you we are a real dating and marriage agency, and always happy to help. We will answer any of your questions on-line from 11am till 8pm. It also will give us the opportunity to know you better and will give us the idea about the person you are – and it is rather important in our business as we always have the personal approach to our clients.


Can you help with airport transfer in Kiev, Ukraine?

Yes and individual transfer from Kiev Borispol airport (KBP) is what we would recommend instead of taking a taxi from Kiev Borispol airport (KBP). We offer transfer from Borispol Airport to Kiev for a good price. If you decide to rent a car in Kiev, Ukraine see our next FAQ below.


I want to rent a car in Kiev, Ukraine. What company can you recommend?

Do not rent it, use taxi. There are many car accidents in Ukraine and even if you follow the rules, not all the drivers here do it. It is better to use the experience of Ukrainian drivers as for the driving here.


Can you help me with apartment or hotel?

Sure, we have a variety of apartments located in the city center; our marriage agency work only with reliable owners here in Kiev. As for the hotels – there are many of them and if you tell us your preferences we will surely recommend you something.


What age range can be accepted by the lady?

Of course it is very individual and depends, but based on the experience of our dating and marriage agency we could say that it is from 10 to 15 years difference.


Do the girls speak English?

Many girls in Kiev do (about 65%), if you will go to other towns out of Kiev it would be much less percentage of the girls who speak English (about 10-15%). If the girl comes to register in the international marriage agency here in Kiev, she tries to learn English as we work only with foreigners and it is important for her to speak the same language with her future husband, moreover knowing of foreign language increases her chances to date the guy from abroad and get married. Of course the girls realize it.


Can you help with translation?

Yes of course we can help with the interpreters if you need. In our marriage and dating agency there are English-, French-, Italian-, Spanish-, German-speaking interpreters in our staff with different experience (from 2 years experience of translating till 10 years of experience). It is desirably to contact us 24 hours before even though we work 24/7/365.


Do you have the offices in other Ukrainian cities?

Yes, we work with the agencies in Poltava and Mariupol and we have one more web site you can see all profiles of the ladies from these towns:


Can you tell me more about the Skype service?  If the lady is interested & would like to skype, what happen after the skype session if both parties are still interested?

If 2 parties are interested you are always welcome to give each other your contact details and communicate directly in future.

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