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Today is: 04:02, 12 march 2025
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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine


Mail forwarding

Exchanging letters through the agency is not the most effective way of getting in touch with the lady to show her that you are serious. Please do not start writing if you do not plan or have no possibility to come to Ukraine within the next month. The world has changed and you will not find a lady now who is willing to exchange letters for 6 months with no guarantee that the man will eventually come to meet her.

Meeting someone in person is a way to success! You need no visa to come to Ukraine now, and that made traveling to Kiev even easier! Our matchmaking packages, romantic tours and matchmaking tours allow you to start dating without long correspondence (first introduction letter with translation is delivered free with any of the package).

If you still want to do it in an old-fashioned way, here are the prices for our professional mail forwarding services:

  •  one letter (up to 600 words) with the photos (up to 3) and translation (if it is needed) costs $10.

Also if you write your personal contacts to the ladies - be sure it will be delivered for her, we do not hide or delete any info from your letters (like your email, phone, skype viber etc).

See OUR PHOTO ALBUM, find a girl and write her a letter – everything is very simple:)!



You can also use the service of unlimited correspondence: you will be able to write as many ladies as you like as many letters as you like within 2 weeks (14 days). And if the lady will like and agree to talk to you by skype - up to 5 skype sessions from our office are included in this package as well.



You can order this service : "Send Message"

Service description: Send a letter to lady, you also can add up to 3 photos we will deliver to the lady you chose. The letter will be delivered within 24 hours and normally you have got the reply also within the same 24 hours:)
Service cost: USD: 10
Order now: Please login or register to order services

You can order this service : "Send message"

Service description: You can write a letter to the lady and attach up to 3 photos. The translation is included in the price (if the lady does not speak or understand your language).
Service cost: USD: 10
Order now: Please login or register to order services

You can order this service : "Unlimited correspondence"

Service description: Unlimited correspondence for 2 weeks (14 days) and up to 5 skype sessions are included.
Service cost: USD: 350
Order now: Please login or register to order services
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