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Today is: 03:52, 12 march 2025
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4 Shevchenko Lane, office 28
+38 050 333-65-46
+38 099 015-54-98

Monday-Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday: upon request

01001 Kiev, Ukraine

Cell phone rentals

Rent a cell phone

When you come to Ukraine to meet ladies through our agency please make sure that you can be contacted easily. We will keep you busy because we know how to arrange many dates with different ladies from you! Honestly we do not believe in “write one – meet one lady” strategy. First of all we do not believe in letter writing at all and secondly this kind of approach can be too costly. You spend money, emotions and time to come all the way to Ukraine to meet one lady and 10 minutes after you meet her you understand that she is not the one. This is why matchmaking package is probably the best option for any guy traveling to Ukraine trying to meet a lady for marriage.

Most of our customers normally have 2+ dates per day and we need to keep in touch with them by the phone. You would not believe if we told you how expensive it is to use your American or European phone in Ukraine. The roaming prices are just crazy.

The best thing is to use local Ukrainian sim card to make and receive calls in Ukraine even if you want to call abroad. Normally it is not possible to use your phone because it is locked by your operator (as Blackberry, TNT or Orange etc).

There is the solution – you can RENT CELL PHONE from us. There is no need to sign one year contract with the phone company. You do not need to buy phone which won’t work in your country anyway (we have different GSM standards). The contract that we have with the phone company will allow you to make calls to Europe starting from 1 euro cent per minute and 25 cents to call to the USA. Our managers will make sure you get the best plan to call to your destination.

You won’t be charged for the calls you receive.

We charge $3 per day for renting the cell phone.

renting the cell phone

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